OSDDID is a complex mental disorder. by definition, OSDDID is characterised by two or more dissociatied states of consciousness with the ability to take executive control and experience amnesia within a body. this disorder is only able to develop before a child's identity integrates (before ages 7-9) due to repetitive chronic trauma. OSDDID is is always comorbid with C-PTSD, as it is an extreme form of C-PTSD. OSDDID is very oftenly focused on being covert, or hidden, so it's very common to not notice somebody has it or notice if one has it themselves.*note: DID stands for dissociative identity disorder, OSDDID is a broad term

alters/parts are the dissociated state(s) of consciousness within a body. one with OSDDID may have a ranging amount of less than 10, to more than 500. parts are separated by dissociative barriers, making it possible for them to develop a sense of self-identity, however this does not always happen. parts very commonly have roles to play a part within the system, but some may not or it is not yet defined. it's common for parts to form during a split to fit what the brain thinks it needs to cope.


not necessarily. parts are collectively fragments of a whole, the whole being the body. an analogy to use is the puzzle piece analogy; a puzzle comes fragmented, and when you put it together, that represents something like integration.


not necessarily either. parts, although are not multiple people in a body, are also not multiple personalities as they have the ability to develop a sense of self coming in terms to different opinions, pronouns, sexualities, gender identities and more.

OSDD1 (otherwise specified dissociative disorder) is a subset of DID. by definition, it is characterised by two or more dissociated states of consciousness with the ability to take executive control and experience amnesia within a body. the difference is, OSDD is characterised in-detail by lacking a major dissociative symptom - distinction in-between alters, or little to no memory loss.


OSDD1A users are able to experience [memory] black-out amnesia and grey-out amnesia, but parts are not distinctly differentiated enough in-between each other. these parts, instead, tend to present as different modes of the body - a different age, height, gender, etc. are examples.OSDD1B users are unable to experience black-out amnesia and experience lighter levels of grey-out amnesia, or none. parts of OSDD1B are able to be distinctly differentiated. instead of memory loss, OSDD1B contains of emotional amnesia in-between parts.

P-DID is very similar to DID, however P-DID consists of a dominant part. this part rarely makes full switches, and other parts are typically internal. P-DID1, P-DIDC, P-DID2, and P-DID2C are different known subsets of P-DID. due to the symptoms of P-DID, it is unknown whether members with it can be polyfragmented.

OSDDID is a spectrum within dissociative levels. PF-DID is typically defined by a large amount of parts (typically fragments) and complex structured inner-worlds. polyfragmentation forms when the child had the inability to seek for coping mechanisms outside of splitting more parts. this also causes the brain to have a difficult time dealing with less-stressful situations without splitting. polyfragmentation is an extremely complex form of dissociation alongside of it being a system type. due to this cause, OSDD systems cannot be polyfragmented as OSDD is a lesser dissociatively complex disorder.

there are currently 5 main different levels of dissociation. those with OSDDID tend to experience in-between the 4th and 5th dissociative level but lean on the 4th. there is depersonalisation, derealisation, amnesia, identity confusion, and identity alternation. systems experience all of these on levels that cause dysfunction and/or disruption in daily life.


not switching out during traumatic events is the tamest response and most healthiest. switching is considered to be the secondary dissociation level. more harsher switches tend to be a subset dissociation level in-between second and third. splitting parts is considered to be on the fourth dissociative level due to it being the harshest traumatic response.

it is treatable but will take lots of therapy, which it's most common to see a psychiatrist or dissociative specialist for this. it is possible for all alters to integrate into a whole, making them all now have one cohesively functional identity, however under rare cases can split again. fusing alters together is a huge step to recovery, and is a good thing! everyone will also heal at their own pace. functional multiplicity is also a thing.


host - the part that mostly deals with everyday life and fronts majority of time
co-host - the part that may be in replacement of the host when currently not present
protector - a part that serves to protect internally and/or externally
physical protector - a specific type of protector; a part that serves to protect from physical harm
sexual protector - a specific type of protector; a part that serves to protect from sexual harm
verbal protector - a specific type of protector; a part that serves to protect from verbal harm
emotional/mental protector - a specific type of protector; a part that serves to protect from emotional/mental harm
persecutor - a part using persecutory actions to cope with trauma; these parts are inherently trauma holders who tend to cope unhealthily
organic - a part that is not an introject
introject - a part split to copy something from a factual or fictional source
trauma-holder - a part who holds memories of trauma
memory-holder - a part who holds memories whether it may be positive, negative, or both
helpers - a part that helps around the system whether it may be internally and/or externally
gatekeeper - a part who keeps track of front, logging switches, or inner-world accessibility
emotional helpers - a specific type of helper; a part aiding in emotional aspects
fragments - parts developed to hold something very specific and/or having an underdeveloped identity
symptom holders - a part that holds more intense levels of a condition the brain possesses
childlike parts - parts who present or view themselves to be in-between 0-6 years of age
middlelike parts - parts who present or view themselves to be in-between 7-12 years of age
teenager parts - parts who present or view themselves to be in-between 13-17 years of age
adultlike parts - parts who present or view themselves to be 18+ years of age
age-slider parts - parts who present or view themselves to slide between a set of ages, and may present differently for each
ageless parts - parts who present or view themselves to have no age or have an age too large to keep track
caregiver - a part who caregives the system internally and/or externally
non-human - parts who present or view themselves to be non-human


fronting - part(s) currently in control of the body
co-fronting - two or more parts currently in control of the body
co-conscious - a part being aware of activity outside of the inner-world but not fronting
front-stuck - part(s) being stuck in front unable to switch for a period of time
switch/switching - the action of two parts switching to a different part(s) to control the body
rapid switching - the action of multiple parts switching constantly within short periods of time
dormancy - the action of a part ceasing all internal activity for a period of time
alters/parts - dissociated states of consciousnesses that have the awareness and ability to develop a sense of identity
system - a collective term to describe one with OSDDID; some may also use plural or a multiple
subsystem - a system within a system, can be defined by a specific group of parts developing at a different rate compared to the rest or having limited to none access to others
inner-world - a visualisation tool [some] systems have to help imagine what a part looks like, or for other reasons
black-out amnesia - memory loss in which one does not recall anything that has happened
grey-out amnesia - memory loss in which one remembers a rough outline of what has happened
emotional amnesia - in which one does not remember what they were feeling or processing
passive influence - parts influencing different opinions, skills, thoughts and ideas to the current fronter(s)
psuedomemories - memories to be defined as false created to help one cope or envision things within the inner-world, can essentially be memories that are distorted from real ones
splitting/forming - the process in which parts are formed
mass splitting/forming - the process in which a mass amount of parts are formed
fusion - two parts coming together to make a singular identity
integration - all parts coming together to create a singular bodily identity; can be defined as whole integration
we/us/our - collective pronouns systems may use to refer to all parts collectively within a statement


-genic - examples being "traumagenic," "endogenic," etc.
fictive - refers to a fictional introject
factive - refers to an introject from a real life source
fuzztive - refers to an introject from multiple sources
fucktive - refers to an introject who does not want to reveal if their source is fictional, factual, or mixed
songtive - refers to an introject from a source of media being a song
headmate, brainmate, etc. - refers to a(n) alter(s)
brainmade - refers to a non-introject part


exotrauma - a part having traumatic memories the body does not
malicator - derogatory word used against persecutors to demonise and excuse abusive actions
core - defined as a part being "the original part" before the rest formed, which is not correct
endosystem - a system that develops without trauma as the root, which is completely impossible
perpetrator - term used in a derogatory sense to describe an alter that hurts people externally; is a medical term, but is now heavily misused

some systems talk through this 'BOT' thing - but, why? well, as stated above on what a member with OSDDID is, some of these members may register themselves on PluralKit or TupperBox for their system. these bots use a webhook which makes it possible for members to proxy due to the coding of the bot, and it will register said proxy to display a current member. they proxy the members using a "name:text" or other forms, set up a display name, and an avatar and sometimes a self-description. some choose to do this to let others know who is currently fronting, to keep track of all of the parts within their system, or some parts may feel comfortable talking through a registered account because they want to feel separate. keep in mind to please not call them bots despite there being a bot tag - that is there because of a discord webhook limitation. webhooks are a way those can code a bot to speak through a message and design what it will say through a link through specific strands of programming.

it is important to accept those with OSDDID because, they are just people too. it's a mental health condition that is very often misinformed.
- carrd created by orbiez#0904. if you have any questions or concerns, please personally DM.
- part two of this carrd is here
last updated 6/7/22